Viperwitch, Maldevera, Torn from Existence, and Acid Sentence at the Squire Lounge Colfax10/12/23

Photos by: Amy Asche & Tony Gomez

Article by: Lily Kinx

Thursday night’s show at The Squire (A Denver staple on E Colfax Ave) was a top-notch night for sure. One thing Denver has taught me since I moved here, was that you can walk into almost any bar and see some amazing local music on any night of the week. Thursday night was no different. 

Starting off the night was the opener Acid Sentence A Denver crossover thrash metal project with doom, hardcore, punk, and groove influences. Acid Sentence came on stage with a mission and that mission was to blow everyone’s minds and That’s exactly what they did. The place immediately became packed with bargoers bangin their heads with enthusiasm. “Fuck yeah, these guys are GOOD!’ I kept hearing everyone say as they passed me by. I definitely agreed. I picked up on a major Municipal Waste vibe with fast rhythms, fast drums, and sick guitar solos. Including one where the guitar player Christian “Moose” Lopez hopped up on the bar ripping away on his axe, impressing the fuck out of the crowd and not one person was pissed about the abrupt” intrusion” of bar space. In fact, everyone stood in awe of this talented guitar player shredding away, it was glorious and monumental. I am now a new fan! Make sure to check this project out next time they play in a venue near you.

Next was Torn From Existence, an Occult blackened death metal band from Denver. First, I just want to say that everything about this band was sexy. The vibe, the sound, the Vocalist. One word, Sexy. Rhiannon Wisniewski on the keys just droppin some spooky synths added an unexpected layer of enigmatic mystery to this death metal band, and I was digging it. The vocalist Craig Rosplock had a dominating stage presence that took over the bar along with his intense vocals. I’m excited to see stuff in the future from this band, they’ve got something different going than a lot of other bands here in the Denver area. 

Following Torn From Existence was Maldevera, a death/thrash band reigning from Dallas,TX// NOLA currently on tour. Though most of their set I was selling merchandise for Viperwitch, I was able to catch one song. The rhythm section, especially the drums were the highlight, and as I always say, I'm a slut for the rhythm section. If you’re into bands such as Suffocation, Gatecreeper, or Power Trip, then I’d definitely give these guys a listen and check them out on their social media for their tour dates and locations.

Next, I was able to secure a spot to catch ViperWitch, a post-apocalyptic new wave of traditional heavy metal, band out of Denver. Their look, sound, and style were absolutely on theme. Danica Minor’s vocals and breathtaking guitar skills were the forefront with her voice that spawned imagery of valkyries guiding the souls of the dead to Valhalla, carrying with them stories of battle. William Perkins’ technical skills on the guitar were impressive to say the least, followed by a stage presence that got the crowd going! You can tell ViperWitch worked hard nailing down their sound and look to perfection. With death metal being at the forefront of the Denver metal scene it’s exciting to see this band bringing back the epic heavy metal style that prompted generational talent that so many bands to this day look up to and admire. ViperWitch is here and ready to bring back that nostalgia of the 80s that has been missing in the scene for some time and they’re taking it to the big stage someday and I will absolutely be there to witness them in all their glory!


Lineup And Photos by Tony Gomez bellow (Click images to view more photos)


(NWOTHM/Speed/Power -Denver, CO)


(Technical Thrash - Dallas, TX)

Torn from Existence

(Occult Blackened Death- Denver, CO)

Acid Sentence
(Thrash - Denver, CO)

The Squire Lounge Denver, CO. @
1800 East Colfax, Denver. CO 80218

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